I am unable to update the fields for RMO-HIOM(Custom Forms) and Project owner after creating the project with Template.
Attached screenshots for reference
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Hi @JohnFr1 - Do you have the correct permissions on the project to update it? (Contribute or Manage?)
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Yes we can update every other field in the project but these 2. My user has System Administrator Role so should have access to everything.
Edit to add to the original post the RMO-HIOM field is a Custom Field with multi select turned on with prepopulated values for the Custom Field.
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Are you unable to edit on all projects where these fields appear? Or just certain projects?
If all projects, is it possible that someone has edited the field sharing...? Maybe system-wide access to that field has been removed and only shared with certain users?
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I'm not clear on what the subsequent behavior is. Are you ... getting an error message of any sort? Or how are you "unable" to update? Do you put something in there and it doesn't save? Are the fields unselectable? When was the last time you deleted your cache and cookies?
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