I've come across this bug when I am reviewing proofs in Workfront a few times and I'm wondering if anyone has the same issue.
There are certain instances where I am unable to edit or delete a comment and it happens when someone else replies to my comment. I was considered a "reviewer" in the proof route and so was my colleague who commented. Is there a reason you cannot edit or delete comments once someone else replied to your comment?
This is super frustrating because we are in marketing and we use the proofing tool to revise content or add new URL links for the designer to apply. So when they reply to my comment saying "revise the content in your comment" or "delete your copy recommendations" I don't have access to edit or delete the comment so it turns into this long comment thread with confusing direction for the designer.
Any tips? Is this a known bug?
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hi, this is expected behavior (https://experienceleague.adobe.com/docs/workfront/using/review-and-approve-work/proofing/review-proo... ). I believe the reasoning at the time was that if you change your comment after someone responds to it, it makes their response wrong (e.g. if they tell you to revise the content in your comment, and you do so, it makes their comment irrelevant/wrong). The usual advice is to "resolve" your comment and just create a new comment based on the feedback.
Thanks for this! I guess I can understand that logic. Wish there was an easier way to collaborate on feedback because I don't have "resolve" access so I'll have to reply "designer disregard and see new comment" and then I have to go and re-upload a new comment which just makes the comment section messy.
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that's a really big bummer.
Is there some way you can get someone to give you enough access to resolve comments?
Otherwise, I would suggest maybe talking to your account rep or CSM, or submitting an "idea" to be upvoted. (the idea being that users should at least be able to resolve or somehow cancel their own comments -- understandably companies buying into workfront might bristle at having to give their users the ability to resolve everyone else's comments, but to not be able to resolve your own seems a bit restrictive.)
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