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Un-concatenate dropdown custom field


Level 3
I'm still getting the hang of calc expressions but wondered if anyone has guidance to essentially "un-concatenate" each selection from a dropdown. If more than one item is chosen, then I would like to do a calc field that would return the 2nd selection, another calc field to return the 3rd, etc. I'm not having much luck with the Help site or searching Community. I'm trying to avoid making additional "identical" custom fields. Use case: -User 1 needs to be able to select more than one item -User 2 needs to see all the items selected in separate fields Or would this need to be done via text mode on a report rather than calculated custom fields? Thanks! Ondina

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3 Replies


Level 4
See page 83 of the Advanced Reporting course manual. I haven't tested this, but it should work. :) SUBSTR( {string}, SEARCH(","{string},1), SEARCH(","{string}, SEARCH(","{string},1)))


Level 3
Thanks Daniel! I had overlooked that page before I posted but then the search/contains came up when I was brainstorming with another admin colleague and we found it. I'm going to play around with the calc and let you know if I'm able to figure it out. There are a lot of options in the source dropdown so may be a bit more work than what we want to get into right now. Hoping to learn more code tips next week at Leap ;) Thanks again! Ondina


Level 4
You're welcome. Hope to see you next week.