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Trying to determine the best process for using Review & Approval for both internal & client asset routing. I want the client to only see the Versions of the Proof that they have been sent/commented on, not our internal route comments.


Level 4

Here is the desired Process:

  1. Project Manager Creates Proof (Version 1) > send to Client
    1. Client Marks up Proof
    2. Project Manager adds their comments and then sends to Internal Studio for revisions. This is done by PM "sharing" the Proof with the Studio team
    3. Studio reviews client & account comments
    4. Studio makes updates to the asset and uploads Version 2 for internal team route
    5. Internal team reviews (comparing client/PM notes in Version 1 with the Studio team's Version 2 updates)
    6. Once that asset routes clean, PM downloads the final asset
    7. PM creates a new version of the Proof (Version 3) and routes to the Client

Success Criteria: The Client should only be able to see their Proof Versions (Version 1 and Version 3)

When I tried the above process in WF, when I logged in as the "Client" user, I was able to see all three Versions of the Proof and read all the internal comments (on Version 2).

Hoping someone has figured a better process out.




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1 Reply


Level 6

We have a similar issue.

Our proofs start with the designer.

  1. They create a proof that is sent though an internal proofing process with 3 automated stages (Proofreader, Supervisor, Director) All stages set to private with proofing licenses as Supervisor
  2. Once that is approved they create a NEW clean automated workflow proof for external review and send to the Project Manager (All activity, Not private-so PM is able to comment to the clients) the designer is set to final decision
  3. The Project Manager adds a stage for the client set at private and does not make a decision on her stage.
  4. Once the client makes comments and decision it alerts the Project Manager. PM then makes a decision. if changes required that is considered the final decision and it alerts the designer.
  5. the designer makes the revisions and uploads a new version using the original internal automated workflow.
  6. the process is repeated until the clients gives an approval

Now as far as who can see what. The internal team can see everything because of their proofing licenses. The client can only see the proofs that they were included on (from within the proofing program) For instance if version 1 was sent to them and then version 2 went through internally and needed changes, then version 3 was approved internally and sent to the client. When the client opens the proof they are only given the option to toggle between version 3 & 1. which is great.

The problem lies if they access the proof through the details link in the email message. If they get to the document details page they are given access to all versions. (I've had conversations with WF about this being a problem but it doesn't sound like it will be fixed as they see it as (if you give access to the proof document that should give them access to the entire document). So as of now our clients can see all the versions if they access in this way BUT any comments that were made on those versions they weren't part of the proofing process will not be visible because we set those stages to private. At least that part works.

i know this is a long ramble. I'd be more than happy to chat with you if you think you could benefit from the process we use.