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Tips and Tricks for missed Updates?


Level 8
Does anyone have any tips/tricks for making sure users see all their updates? Our Marketing team sometimes miss updates from their clients (who are reviewers in the system) when they are not specifically tagged. This is compounded by the fact that clients are not always consistent in where they're putting their updates (sometimes at the Project level and sometimes in a Document). Do you guys see this as more of a training thing or are there things in the system that we can do? I wanted to run a report to show all the updates in a project but have Project updates in one column and Document updates in another column and I don't think I can run something like that. Any and all feedback is really appreciated! Mohini (Mini) Sinha Excelsior College
7 Replies


Level 2
I don't really have any tips and tricks, but we're in the same boat. Usually I just remind the person when I realize their project has been delayed because I wasn't tagged. This has happened a few times and I think it clicks that if a PM is not tagged, then their project will likely get delayed and nobody wants that. We reinforce the tagging and putting comments in the Updates tab every time we train, but there are always those updates that slip through the cracks because of these two issues! Malisa Lieser Tennant


Level 1
Hi Mini and Malisa, I'm not sure if this fully solves the issue -- On our main dashboard, we have a project report (by Portfolio) that displays the field 'Status Icons'. In that field are four or so icons, and the document icon in the strip lights up if the project has status/ comments within it. Clicking it will take the user to the update & comment history and the Documents tab is just next to it. We tested it in one business area, and it turned out to be popular with the users. Who knew? But if you're interested in more detail or the explanation is unclear, I'm happy to hop on a call or Skype with you. Cheers! Tami Nelson Director, Project Portfolio Management A&E Networks Tami.Nelson@aenetworks.com " The more you doubt it, the more marvelous the miracle ."― Knightfall


Level 10
I was playing around with making a Notes report the other day and putting it on a dashboard at the project level. It hasn't gone very far yet, but you can definitely group the notes by Document:Name. If you wanted more groupings (such as by Task:Name) you might have to plan out separate reports. And since this is a dashboard I'm talking about you can pull out one of those three-column dashboards and try and do three reports for documents, tasks and projects. Or Issues. Or something. Ultimately, it's a training issue as well though. it's just better if people just automatically tag whoever needs to know, and if all workers know where to look for updates. -skye


Level 10
We had a recent thread here regarding documents and updates. "https://community.workfront.com/discussions/community-home/digestviewer/viewthread?GroupId=151&MessageKey=2e8d8922-15f2-4174-954a-6faf2807d311&CommunityKey=aaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567&tab=digestviewer&ReturnUrl=%2fdiscussions%2fcommunity-home%2fdigestviewer%3fcommunitykey%3daaafaff0-5e4e-4e38-8903-f1f990935567%26tab%3ddigestviewer%26memberkey%3dgfHlF8a3JdoDmsUB2NtSS64ZM08%252FMhiKJa6FeyewsTfBHn%252FLggOM0PO%252BAaQMR6Ud868wgaW%252BwB4%253D">Documents and Updates Basically, set up a full notes reports, sorted by threadID, put it as a dashboard on your projects. So even when untagged, people who look at this dashboard will see the latest update whether it's in the documents area or the general updates area. Polly Co


Level 2
@Skye Boardman , @Polly Co - Those solutions sound great, and something I may have our technical admin look into, but it still relies on the project owner/project manager to remember to look in that specific project, dashboard or report, correct? And if that's the case, then looking in the project itself might take just as much time. With so many projects, I simply don't look at every one every day, which I guess is where the issue is. I rely more on the updates from reviewers and other stakeholders or My Work to understand when I have work to do or a response to make. Thanks for your feedback! Malisa Lieser Tennant


Level 10
Like in all forms of communication, whether email or texting, if you're not a recipient you won't get the information. Generally though, the project's timeliness shouldn't be ran/delayed by updates. The schedule is controlled by tasks. If you don't want to go to projects to see the updates for each project, have your admin build the same report/dashboard in the other thread and filter it to where project user = $$USER.ID and then group the updates by project:name, filter to see updates within 1 week or whatever timelines you want to see and put it in one of your general areas. That way, you see all the updates in the projects you are on, already grouped by project name and then you only see the most recent updates on those projects. Polly Co


Level 1
Hi - I found that if I 'subscribe' to every task I am project managing then it helps make sure I get the updates. What does catch me out though is when someone puts a comment on a document. I have missed several of those as I have many documents and many tasks. Does anyone have any tips on how to get notified of the document comments? Would be great if you could help. Heather Wagstaff MICRO FOCUS LIMITED