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Timesheets and Bank Holidays


Level 6
Morning! We have several users completing timesheets for the Christmas break and although our global schedule shows that we have 26th and 27th off, it's not grayed out in the timesheets. Is that expected behaviour and if so should users be putting regular work hours in for those days even though it's a bank holiday? Thanks :)
5 Replies


Level 10
Hi: We have an overhead category for bank holidays. We require that all full time employees record at least 40 hours of labor a week. If some of those days were Bank Holidays, they just charge the hours to the overhead category. Hope that helps. Eric


Level 6
Thanks Eric Yes but I guess I'm a little more surprised that WF doesn't gray out those days. I suppose it makes sense for any users who are on call though. I'm assuming it doesn't double up hours or anything? I think WF is an infinite type resource planner.


Level 10
Workfront is definitely an infinite capacity planner. No constraints are enforced anywhere. Graying out dates they are unavailable according to their schedule or Time Off settings would be helpful, true. Eric


Level 5
Time off on the calendar does not add hours to someone's utilization. It removes the availability from their timeline. So if you have a task that is scheduled for 2 days starting on Friday and Monday is a holiday, and the person assigned (and / or the project) has a calendar with that time not available, the scheduled end date will be Tuesday. People can still record time against Monday, but they will not show availability. When you look at their allocation in the resource grid you'll also see that the total available will be 32 hours (assuming an 8 hour day) for that week.


Level 6
Thanks everyone, great explanations. :)