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Text Mode help: Project report - Actual duration difference to Template Duration


Level 3
Hi again, I'm trying to create a calculated column difference of Actual (difference of Actual Start to Completion) to the Template duration. So far I have the following in text mode which is not working for me: valueexpression=(WEEKDAYDIFF({actualStartDate},{actualCompletionDate}))-({template:durationMinutes}) I was able to achieve the difference for Actual to Planned with the following: valueexpression=(WEEKDAYDIFF({actualStartDate},{actualCompletionDate}))-(WEEKDAYDIFF({plannedStartDate},{plannedCompletionDate})) Is this possible at the project level? TIA, Ruby Ruby Aran Investors Group/ Mackenzie Investments

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2 Replies


Level 8
It's syntax. When you put the {} braces around expressions for valueexpression, you seperate them with }.{ not : So it should be: valueexpression=(WEEKDAYDIFF({actualStartDate},{actualCompletionDate}))-({template}.{durationMinutes}) Barry Buchanan - WMA Work Management Australia


Level 3
Thanks for letting me know, Barry. That worked perfectly! Ruby Aran Mackenzie Investments