I have a task report in Workfront that I want to group by task name, but I only want 3 groups named Provide intake form to Vendor, Proof Review, and Final files received. I have a variety of task names and I want them to be combined though to fit into the 3 main groups. For the Provide intake forms to Vendor group, it should include any task with the name Provide the VRT intake form to Vendor or Provide the VRT Stills intake form to Vendor or Provide the VRT Video intake form to Vendor. For the Proof Review group, it should include any task with the name VRT - Proof Review or VRT STILLS - Proof Review or VRT VIDEO - Proof Review. for the Final files received group, it should include any tasks with the name VRT - Final files received from vendor & provided in the updates tab or VRT STILLS - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab or VRT VIDEO - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab. Can you create this in group text mode?
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most likely due to 3 type of issues in your formula:
- typos
- 2 types of quotation marks used
- missing closing brackets
here is corrected formula:
IF({name}="Provide the VRT intake form to Vendor", "Provide intake form to Vendor", IF ({name}="Provide the VRT Stills intake form to Vendor", "Provide intake form to Vendor", IF ({name}="Provide the VRT Video intake form to Vendor", "Provide intake form to Vendor", IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Proof Review", "Proof Review", IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Proof Review", "Proof Review", IF({name}="VRT VIDEO - Proof Review", "Proof Review", IF({name}="VRT - Final files received from vendor & provided in the updates tab", "Final Files Received", IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab", "Final Files Received", IF({name}="VRT VIDEO - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab", "Final Files Received","")))))))))
I recommend using calculation editor which visually guides how to correct formula:
hope this helps
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good news is, you likely can, bad news it might turn out to be awfully long nested IF statement along these lines:
group.0.valueexpression=[here put the formula]
good luck
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Thank you, this is very helpful and I have been trying something along these lines but this one finally saved successfully. But when I check the report, the grouping names are coming back NULL_OBJECT any ideas why?
group.0.valueexpression=IF({name}=“Provide the VRT intake form to Vendor”, "Provide intake form to Vendor”, IF ({name}=“Provide the VRT Stills intake form to Vendor”, "Provide intake form to Vendor”, IF ({name}=Provide the VRT Video intake form to Vendor”, “Provide intake form to Vendor”, IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Proof Review”, “Proof Review”, IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Proof Review”, “Proof Review” IF({name}="VRT VIDEO - Proof Review”, “Proof Review”, IF({name}=“VRT - Final files received from vendor & provided in the updates tab”, “Final Files Received”, IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab”, “Final Files Received”, IF({name}="VRT VIDEO - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab”, “Final Files Received”))))
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most likely due to 3 type of issues in your formula:
- typos
- 2 types of quotation marks used
- missing closing brackets
here is corrected formula:
IF({name}="Provide the VRT intake form to Vendor", "Provide intake form to Vendor", IF ({name}="Provide the VRT Stills intake form to Vendor", "Provide intake form to Vendor", IF ({name}="Provide the VRT Video intake form to Vendor", "Provide intake form to Vendor", IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Proof Review", "Proof Review", IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Proof Review", "Proof Review", IF({name}="VRT VIDEO - Proof Review", "Proof Review", IF({name}="VRT - Final files received from vendor & provided in the updates tab", "Final Files Received", IF({name}="VRT STILLS - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab", "Final Files Received", IF({name}="VRT VIDEO - Final files received from vendor & OneDrive link is provided in the updates tab", "Final Files Received","")))))))))
I recommend using calculation editor which visually guides how to correct formula:
hope this helps
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This worked! Thank you so much for your help!!
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