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Template report showing project shared with?


Level 10
Is there some way, on a template report, to show the project's "shared with"? i.e. If a project were created from this template, who would it be shared with? -skye

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8 Replies


Level 4
Not ideal, but its something. Assuming you're project template is set up to Give contribute access to the task and view access to the project when someone is 'Assigned' to a task, this might provide you the info you'd need. Team, Person and Role for template tasks. displayname=Assignees listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(templateTasks).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT(IF(ISBLANK({teamID}),"",{team}.{name})," - ",IF(ISBLANK({assignedToID}),"",{assignedTo}.{name})," - ", IF(ISBLANK({roleID}),"",{role}.{name})) valueformat=HTML Rick MacDuffie Symetra Life Insurance Company


Level 10
thanks Rick, I wish it were as clear as that. A lot of projects are shared out with teams and random folks so one of the parts of my cleanup was going to be to figure out who all these people are and whether or not they should be shared with :-( -skye


Level 4
I'm doing something similar at Symetra for reports and templates. ;) Getting the value of the template's 'shared with' OR the project's 'shared with' column is straightforward, so I imagined you were wanting something a little more to the point of who actually gets access via means other than the 'shared with' field. Obviously neither approach will identify the people that are in teams that a template is shared with, nor will it help you to know whether they ought to have access at all. Best of luck! Rick MacDuffie Symetra Life Insurance Company


Level 10
reporting the project's "shared with" information from a template report didn't seem to be that straightforward...? When I typed in "shared with" in the template report, I could not see any project "shared with" field to utilize. Normally I would look through the whole list but there are so many custom fields getting in the way I figured it would be easier to ask what I missed. -skye


Level 4
I don't think you missed anything, grabbing the project's 'shared with' value isn't straightforward from a template report. A template doesn't have a collection of projects that you could reference and iterate through. BUT, you could come at this from a project report perspective and reference the template used for any of the template specific info you need to include in your report. This would allow you to grab the project's 'shared with' value directly and, using references/collections, grab the project users, the template's 'shared with' and the template task assignees. I can imagine getting a fairly complete picture (minus team membership details of assignments/sharing). From a project report you could have all of the following: displayname=Template Task Assignees listdelimiter=
listmethod=nested(template.templateTasks).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT(IF(ISBLANK({teamID}),"",{team}.{name})," - ",IF(ISBLANK({assignedToID}),"",{assignedTo}.{name})," - ", IF(ISBLANK({roleID}),"",{role}.{name})) valueformat=HTML displayname=Project Users listdelimiter=
listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=CONCAT({user}.{name}) valueformat=HTML displayname= linkedname=template namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=template namekeyargkey.1=shared tile.name=component.sharedList valuefield=template:sharedListString valueformat=HTML viewalias=template:shared Rick MacDuffie Symetra Life Insurance Company


Level 10
that's what I was thinking I was going to have to do. It's just that we have over 300 templates, and I am guessing I would have to (and don't want to) make 300 sample projects in order to get a report going (at that point, it might just be easier to manually go into each template). -skye


Level 8
@Skye Hansen I am curious if you found a way to pull a template's "project's shared with" information. I am in the exact same predicament where I want to view which each template is default sharing to if a project were to use that template. Sarah Wilkerson Yamaha Corporation of America


Level 10
hi Sarah, I eventually got a result column for GUIDs that a project would be shared with, but no way to turn that GUID back into a name. So it's just a string of characters which I then run through a series of reports to find out which user, team, group or job role it belongs to, and then I download the report and search and replace the GUIDs with the names I found. It's something I'd be OK doing once a year or so (to audit), but unfortunately not anything I'd want to do more often. As well there are a lot of false positives since deactivated users will stay on the list. -skye