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Task Report Actual Completion date VS Planned Completion Date


Level 1



I'm trying to build a basic task report that will pull all tasks that were completed after the planned completion date. Essentially actualCompletionDate > plannedCompletionDate. However, I want to exclude the time from the calculation. I tried playing with the CLEARTIME, but I was unsuccessful. Any help would be appreciated!



3 Replies


Community Advisor

we had a similar need a while back and if I recall correctly, you can't really do this in a report filter. We ended up making a calculated field that would just ping "late" based on our specific needs at the time, and then ran reports on everything that was "late".


(our needs at the time was we only wanted to look at stuff that was more than 2 days late, so the calculated field was basically actual > planned+2... might have had a cleartime in there as well)


Level 2

This article helped me build a similar task report. https://experienceleague.adobe.com/en/docs/workfront/using/reporting/reports/custom-view-samples/fil...


  1. Go to a list of tasks.

  2. From the Filter drop-down menu, select New Filter.

  3. Click Add Filter Rule and add Actual Completion Date >Greater Than  > Select a date.

    Choose the filter modifier you want to use for the selected field, if available.
  4. Click Switch to Text Mode.

  5. In the Set Filter Rules for your Report area, add the following code:

    Toggle Text Wrapping
  6. Click Done, then Save Filter.


Level 1

If I could just cleartime from the below I'd be in business!
