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task per assignment ID that doesn't take task owner into consideration


Level 2
Hi All, Looking for a way to create a hot sheet type report that doesn't take task owner into consideration. When I create the report below, if the task assignee IS NOT the task owner, the report does not present that person. I want to be able to see all assignees task list for a specific period of time. here it was I have so far: numberOfChildren=0 numberOfChildren=0 numberOfChildren_Mod=eq plannedCompletionDate=$$TODAY+10d plannedCompletionDate_Mod=lte project:status=CUR project:status_Mod=in percentComplete=100 percentComplete_Mod=lt projectPortfolioID=59722ae4000855b324044199ff6e97bc 59b0272300b4159f90906e8c9a513139 projectPortfolioID_Mod=in Eric Roybal Director, Project Management One & All
2 Replies


Level 7
Hi Eric, Workfront has 2 assignment options to report with: Assigned To - This looks for only the owner. Assignment Users - This looks for the user in any assigned capacity on the item. Here's some text mode code you can use, though it can also be found in the GUI via a task report or issue report: assignmentsUsersMM:ID=GUIDGOESHERE assignmentsUsersMM:ID_Mod=in Just replace GUIDGOESHERE with the user's guid you want to use. I hope this helps! Thanks, Dustin Martin Assigned Support Engineer Workfront


Level 2
Thanks Dustin. Rather than adding each user by name, can I call on them by role and get the same results? This would prevent me from having to update the report as a team fluctuates. Eric Roybal Director, Project Management One & All