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Sorting values in a pie chart


Level 2
Does it bother anyone else that the values in a report's pie chart are organized alphabetically and not numerically? Or am I doing something wrong? (very possible) Background : I run a project report called Output by Purpose that returns projects sorted by a some custom form field "Purpose" (Advertising, Community Outreach, Driver Recruiting, etc.). I have the report displaying as a pie chart so I can see a quick breakdown of our efforts across these purpose types. The thing that bothers me is that the pie chart values are sorted alphabetically, not by value/percentage as I've traditionally seen with most pie charts. I've looked into adding a column in that report to display the raw number of "Purpose" inputs that's being put into the chart (1 input per project), but there's not really an OOTB value to show that in a report column. Does anyone know about some text mode syntax out there that can help me create a custom column that just gives a numeric count of projects entered for that "purpose" aka "custom form field?"

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