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Showing approval approve and reject buttons in a report?


Level 4
Hi, Is anyone aware of a way to show the green approve and red reject buttons in a report? I want managers to be able to approve and reject requests right from a report rather than having to go to the approvals tab. Please let me know. Thanks, Michelle Michelle McAnelly Thomson Reuters

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3 Replies


Level 10
That would so cool! But as far as i'm aware it's not possible to get. Would love to find out a way for it if i'm wrong :) I guess though some API tricks would do that... Dagmara Garwell BAKKAVOR LTD


Level 4
This would be awesome! I'm trying to get the remind button into a report for outstanding items waiting on review, but to have all of these would be even better!! Jill Blum Stanley Black & Decker, Inc.


Level 6
Hi there, I am in support of this and I believe with the new release we can now see this on the 'My Work' and 'Updates'. Which is good for a front end user interface. However, how do we get to see if in a report whether approvers have either: 1. Accepted or; 2. Rejected Does the tool support this or how do you know this for projects via a project or task report? Thanks. Jas Parmar Allianz