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Sharing Proofs with Client


Level 3
Hi All- We want to share some large proof documents with some of our clients, but not have them use Proof at all (due to the learning curve). I know I can use the print function, but it doesn't really give us a client-friendly document. Does anyone have any suggestions, as to how to approach this? Thanks, Chris Levitsky Guidemark
23 Replies


Level 3
Thanks Richard- I followed the same steps that you did, and the test recipient (using an e-mail address that was not been used previously) was able to see all 3 versions This leads me to believe that it is as simple as changing a setting somewhere. Perhaps I'll reach out to Support. Thanks, Chris Levitsky Guidemark


Level 3
I was actually able to locate the setting. In ProofHQ go to your Account settings > Settings > Sharing. You will then see this option that you can enable and disable: Thanks, Chris Levitsky Guidemark


Level 10
@Chris Levitsky - if you ONLY want your clients to review/mark up Proofs, what we do is only allow the clients to access proofs they need to review, through the Proof email that gets sent to them. We do set up the client in WF (so they have a proof account, and our PMs can add the client to the workflow) - but they don't have a login to Workfront at all - since we check the "Only Allow SAML" option, and the client isn't in our active directory - so they can't actually log in to WF and get to the project or documents (which is what we want/need). This also ensures the client can only see that particular version. Katherine Haven, PMP VP, Director, Business Technologies - PMO FCB