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Shared Columns Problems


Level 2
Hi, I'm trying to build a Project status report, that is one of the basics things to have in workfront, and it's a hard job. Although i build a report, with information of projects and i'm having problems using shared columns with a specific field: column.19.displayname= column.19.linkedname=direct column.19.namekey=conditionupdate column.19.querysort=condition column.19.textmode=true column.19.tile.name=component.conditionupdateview column.19.tile.height=12 column.19.valuefield=conditionString column.19.valueformat=HTML column.19.viewalias=conditionupdate when this field is the last column, when build a single shared column, it doesn't let me to add other columns next to this. Even with line breaks, it simply doesn't work. Another problem is to add some columns like Issue or Risk count, it also isn't possible. Anyone has tipos for this? Nuno Lima
11 Replies


Level 10
Hi Nuno, While I'm not sure this is the case for the text mode you're using above, I've found that some fields won't let additional shared columns render when coded next in sequence. My workaround for this has always been to place the field that causes the problem at the end of the view. Take the "https://ddh.my.workfront.com/report/public/view?publicToken=x6u1T7zd_sQJHompK_ZvSo06axeidPcnfQ13hCdm62Okgp2lgIwVBYGvr2zgnH5w50EY17JgJBvzaww4VGL36lnL85RE28jm&endcap" WFPro Live Agenda for example, where the "Speaker(s)" field is really the "Assignments" object added as a shared column. I'd be curious to know if this resolves the issue for you. Good luck! Thanks, Narayan


Level 2
Thank you @Narayan Raum , i've been following your page and examples for all my work. That solution is something that i already used, another field that brings me the same value. In this case, maybe i can try to split the condition update field, using two columns(condition and update). Another problem that i'm having is to use the same report(project type) to show a lot of information, including issue and risk info: With this, when building a dashboard(project status) won't need to have a lot a sub reports. Nuno Lima


Level 10
Hi @Nuno Lima , Your project view is looking really nice and you're definitely heading down that path of maximizing the space available. I'm finding that we can pack a ton of content into a small space to give context before opening records, which reduces clicks and confusion. One of my newest tricks I'll be testing are little windows with scrolling text using CSS. If you can make it to "https://ddh.my.workfront.com/report/public/view?publicToken=x6u1T7zd_sQJHompK_ZvSo06axeidPcnfQ13hCdm62Okgp2lgIwVBYGvr2zgnH5w50EY17JgJBvzaww4VGL36lnL85RE28jm&endcap" WFPro Live 9 tomorrow at 1pm Eastern, I'll be diving a little deeper into the code behind this and other neat stuff that I'm sure you'll appreciate. The meeting details are in the header of the report. Thanks, Narayan


Level 2
Thank you Narayan, I will attend to that, definitely. That's my point, to maximize the filled area with useful information. I've build a Project status dashboard, added as a tab in project. However, to minimize sub reports and in the end, have a single report(because we don't have any improvement in this area in WF) i will build this in a task report, where we have the most combination, in same report. In there i still have a problem because in task report, if i split columns and have. 1st with project info(merging information with shared columns) 2nd with task/issues With this, it repeats the project column in each task. With grouping we can't have the same look as my example(previous image) Regards, Nuno Lima Nuno Lima


Level 10
@Nuno Lima , have you considered using a project report with task and issue information rendered as collections? You can wrap collections in HTML and CSS to give a decent presentation. You can even add some CSS to the "listdelimiter=" part of the collection column to get creative in the styling of each returned result. There are a ton of examples on the ""https://wf-pro.com/textmode/text-mode-views-collections/" Collections " part of WF-Pro.com. Thanks, Narayan


Level 10
Actually, I had to check the API Explorer and I believe tasks are the only collection you can use on a project unless I'm missing something.


Level 10
hi I started very new in Workfront as system admin but dont have vast experience like you and Narayan. But I would like to get connected with all of you to learn more API code. And to use them more effectively. Even your above text code also give very overview about condition update but also shows the comment made in update. Any other way to update the latest one else to remove in the UI. Regards Kundan Kundan Kumar KGON (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)


Level 2
Hi @Narayan Raum , I will take a look to those examples. I didn't go further because at the same time i was using fusion to sync Jira/Workfront, to get proper data and a real connection between these two apps. I manage to push required issues from jira, to a WF project. Now i will redirect focus to reporting, the main problem that i found in WF. Thank you for the tip of using collections Nuno Lima


Level 2
Hi @Narayan Raum , I start to explore collections and it could be very useful. However, i want to combine that with shared columns, formatting and filtering. Example: column.24.textmode=true column.24.sharecol=true column.24.displayname=Key Milestones column.24.valueformat=HTML column.24.value=Milestone |-----| Baseline column.25.valueexpression=IF({plannedCompletionDate}>$$TODAY && {actualCompletionDate}="" && {DE:Milestone Task?}="Yes" ,CONCAT({name}, " |-----| ",{plannedCompletionDate}),"") column.25.sharecol=true column.25.listmethod=nested(tasks).lists column.25.displayname=Key Milestones column.25.textmode=true column.25.listdelimiter= column.25.valueformat=HTML column.25.type=iterate column.26.textmode=true column.26.value=
  column.26.sharecol=true column.26.valueformat=HTML column.27.textmode=true column.27.sharecol=true column.27.displayname=Column column.27.valueformat= column.28.value=Milestone |-----| Baseline |-----| Actual column.28.valueformat=HTML column.28.textmode=true column.28.sharecol=true column.29.type=iterate column.29.listmethod=nested(tasks).lists column.29.displayname=Milestone | Baseline | Actual column.29.listdelimiter= column.29.valueformat=HTML column.29.textmode=true column.29.valueexpression=IF({plannedCompletionDate}>$$TODAY && {actualCompletionDate}!="" && {DE:Milestone Task?}="Yes" ,CONCAT({name}, " |-----| ",{plannedCompletionDate}," |-----| ", {actualCompletionDate}),"") column.29.sharecol=true column.30.textmode=true column.30.value=
  column.30.valueformat=HTML column.30.displayname=Details I made this, using conditions to "filter" my information. Will try to do the same to other things, like issues. It will reduce the amount of reports in a single dashboard and almost have all information in one report Updated also issue comun and here's the result: Nuno Lima


Level 10
@Nuno Lima I tried to test this text code, but looks like this as attached here. Could you please tell, where is going wrong? Since started new in Workfront, not such expertise as like your and others. Regards Kundan Kundan Kumar KGON (Kverneland Group Operations Norway AS)


Level 2
Hey @Kundan Kumar That code, only sets the Key Milestones column. I start to build, the project information column, with shared columns using the @Narayan Raum materials and thinking what information could be helpfull. The main goal is to have a PS report, only possible with multiple reports in a single dashboard. Go to @Narayan Raum page - "https://wf-pro.com/textmode/text-mode-views/" link Start from the small examples as shared columns. For that column "Key Milestones" i combined that with collections as @Narayan Raum suggestion, and it will reduce 2 sub reports in dashboard. Need to explore that. Also you're not getting any data in your column, probably because you need set milestones and i've using a custom field( DE:Milestone Task?}="Yes" ) as the basis to filter information to that block. In our tasks, there's a custom form, with that field " Milestone Task?" that need to be filled so we can have proper data in there Update: I merged 4 reports into one, but the customization of fields in terms of settiing: colors, indentation, bold text is not possible(i think) and despite the information is presented in one single report, is too much text in one place, example: @Narayan Raum is there a way to format that(2,3,4 columns) text, as i did in first one? with collections and using valueexpressions, how can we set the format of text? Nuno Lima