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Setting Up Reminder Notifications


Level 2
We ran into some of our users actually setting up reminders in their Outlook to remind when Workfront Tasks are due. This seemed pretty far away from the intent of using Workfront so I looked to set up something to do this in Workfront. I found setting up Reminder Notifications and then associated that with some template tasks. The reminders do not seem to be creating any emails to the users. I set up a test one for myself and have included two screenshots below. In the first screenshot you can see how I have set up the reminder. In the second one you can see how I have applied to a task where the conditions should be met to trigger a reminder. Have I totally misinterpreted how this is supposed to work and how to set up?

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2 Replies


Level 8
It looks like the reminders have been set up and applied correctly. The only reason I can think of that the email isn't being received is that it is either blocked by your IT or are being sent to spam.


Level 2
Thanks. Our users are getting automatic reminders ok so not sure what to think. I will report.