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Separating Custom Data Field Information in Report Builds/Exports


Level 8

Hi Workfront Community,


I have been trying to wrap my brain around how I can accomplish the following report output from Workfront but have had no luck so far and was wondering if anybody has any suggestions.


We utilize the Campaign (aka Program) functionality, where we have a Campaign Custom Form attached to each Campaign to capture information.


One of the data fields is a multi-select “Region” field, where multiple Regions can be chosen for each Campaign. Another data field is an “Audience” open text box field, where one can indicate a number.


I can create a Workfront report OK using the custom data fields and filters, etc. However, I am looking to craft a report export that would look something like this…



Can this be done..?


On my Workfront report, the “Region” column is showing with both selections in one ‘cell’. For example, for Test Campaign A, in the Region column, it shows as “Region A, Region B and Region C” on one line. What I am looking to do is to have these separated out into different lines. 


Is there a way I can set up my Workfront Report differently or set up the data fields differently in order to accomplish this export? 


Thanks in advance for any help/feedback given.     


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2 Replies


Community Advisor

I think unfortunately in order to get what you're looking for, you'd have to change the structure of the custom form fields to not have multi-select fields. Would need to select region + audience for each combination to get them to show separately in your export.
BUT, have you tried messing with groupings? Try grouping the report by campaign AND region so that way each campaign/region combo would be a separate grouping? Then in your export they'd still export as separate rows.

If this helped you, please mark correct to help others : )


Level 8

Hi @TerryHy  


So right now you have a multi select dropdown for region that is associated with a campaign. There are two issues that preclude you from getting the report you want: 

1. When you use the region field in a report you get all regions selected for the campaign

2. You don't have an audience field that is linked to each selected region. 


One way to approach this is to have multiple fields and use display logic, e.g. in a program custom form you have 

Row 1: region1 (single dropdown)    audience1 (text)  [checkbox to show next row]

Row 2: region2 (single dropdown)    audience2 (text)  [checkbox to show next row]

Row 3: region3 (single dropdown)    audience3 (text)


Another is to use the multiselect and have named audience fields for each region, again using display logic

region1 (multi dropdown)    audience1 (if aud1 selected)   audience2 (if aud2 selected)   audience3 (if aud3 selected)


It depends on your preference/use case which is more usable; if you have a dozen regions, probably approach 1 is better. 

Then in a report you can show these by program