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Selecting Not Required on a Task Doesn't remove that task from My Work Listing. Can this be changed?


Level 10
In the Project, when you change the task status to Not Required, that action does not remove that task from My Work Listing. Can this be changed? Is this configurable? We are having to do double duty on task status reporting.
4 Replies


Level 8
We noticed the same issue for Not Required. What we started doing when a task was changed to Not Required was to also remove the resource assigned to the task. This removes it from their My Work tab. We're not using Resource Manager yet, but I also remove the Group/Team the person belongs to so once we do start using RM the task will not be calculated into resources needed pool.


Level 10

We created a Task status called 'Not Needed/Cancelled' which equates to "Complete" so it does remove from the My Work list when you change the status to not needed/cancelled. See attached.0690z000007ZkOkAAK.jpg


Level 10
Elegant solution, Katherine: and, as opposed to deleting the Task, your approach preserves the normal flow of the work, while recognizing that the Task in particur is not applicable. I like it. Regards, Doug


Level 7
When you say "selecting Not Required", what do you mean? Are you saying that you have created a custom/new status called "Not Required"? I just want to make sure I'm not missing something. (but yes, we also do what Katherine has stated).