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Resource planning for Studio Spaces


Level 1
Hello all, We have a large studio with multiple shoot locations within designated by A1, A2, Studio X ect.. We have 25 spaces which a multitude of contractors use at any given time. I am looking to create a good visual of what studios are booked and when one might be available. I understand how resourcing plays with teams but I am looking to creating a booking calendar or resource tool for the studios specifically. The resource tool seems specifically for people and project. I am looking for space available (this is the ask), project and then people. This will help with knowing the capacity we have at any given time for any one of the studios and plug contractors in where needed. Any ideas would greatly be appreciated: to be able to see availability of the studios followed by assigning a studio to a project. Anyone else use Workfront in this way? Elizabeth Geldhof Whirlpool Corporation
2 Replies


Level 10
Hi Elizabeth, To address this "booking space" concept, I invite you to consider our "https://store.atappstore.com/product/draggable-calendar/">Draggable Calendar solution, which is designed to make visualizing and moving (short) tasks around more intuitive and easy. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 4
Hi Elizabeth, Do the requests for booking a shoot location go through you? If so, thoughts on this solution? Create the following Program: Booking Calendar Projects: Shoot Locations (each location is a project, rolling up to program Booking Calendar) Resource: Possibly create a resource for booking the rooms called Studio Allocation? (hate to waste seat, but may be less expensive than paying for a plug in) From there, create a Calendar, "Booking Calendar" and add the projects, Studio Locations. Hope this helps. Let me know if you have questions. Thank you, Elliot Elliot Leson Synchrony Creative - The Studio (Company)