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Request Queues with Multiple Steps/Assignments


Level 9
My finance team has asked me to help design a process for users to initiate on-boarding new clients into our various systems. Naturally, a request queue was my initial thought, but our need here is for a multi-step, multi-assignment system. Upon receiving the request, our finance team will do their part which would then trigger additional steps for me and another user to enter data into our internal systems. Is there a way to make a request that would have multiple steps like that? The only method I can think of is to intake the request, have my finance team convert that to a task that would exist in a "New Client" project and then apply a project template (to include all the various tasks & assignments), and have that converted task exist as a parent. Or is there a simpler process that I haven't considered? Anthony Pernice Healthcare Consultancy Group
5 Replies


Level 10
Hi Anthony, We do that, but we skip the Task piece. Just convert the intake Request to a Project with the Template. And the resulting projects all reside in a Program (for reporting and other grouping purposes). If you use the API – we have the API convert the request to a project for us. And it also removes certain tasks based on what's entered in the request form. For example, if the requester checks a box for a Cell Phone Stipend we leave that task alone. If they don't check that box, we delete that task. This avoids superfluous tasks. But again this is done magically in the API behind the scenes so they never see the task at all. Did I mention I LOVE the API �� .


Level 5
Hi Vic, When you say you have the API convert the request to the project, is this something you guys have built in-house, or do you achieve this through fusion? You also have achieved logic linking the custom form question/answers with the templates....both things, we are very interested in! It would be great if you could give me more info on how you have set this up with the API? Thanks! Miranda Rais GVC


Level 3
Hi Anthony, I am really interested and curious on the processes you use with API. I would love to maybe get more information from you to explore this with my team. Erika Garrett Gulfstream Aerospace


Level 10
Hi Miranda, We have built it in-house. So you would definitely need an IT Developer. But feel free to give me a call if you want to discuss further. My numbers are below. My email is vic.alejandro@denverwater.org .


Level 8
FYI - there's also Workfront Fusion which is an add on service / feature but it will take the API thing a few steps further. It's basically Workfront using Azuqua - "https://azuqua.com/" https://azuqua.com/ Richard Carlson Behr Process Corporation