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Reporting on Budgeted Hours


Level 2
Hello all, I've done many hours of searching experimenting and I'm at a loss. We're about a year into our use of Workfront and starting to use the Resource Planner. It doesn't quite display the what we want so I'm trying to write a report that includes Budgeted Hours, but I can't seem to add the field. I see it in the API Explorer as budgetedHours and try to reference it in Text Mode but I keep coming up with zeroes. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks, Joe Kovacs Canandaigua National Bank

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5 Replies


Level 4
Joe, I was wondering if you can provide more information regarding what you are trying to see? There are some things you just can't do except via the Resource Planner so more info and context would be very helpful for us to try and help you. Thanks! David
DAVID A. TAYLOR Founder & Managing Consultant


Level 2
Thanks for the response. We have a lot of initiatives and significant capacity constraints, as I presume most companies. My intent is to have resources managers identify how much time they anticipate resources will have to spend on each project we're trying to slot for the remainder of the year. Once they provide those hour estimates per project we want to put them into the Resource Planner as Budgeted Hours so we can forecast who will be potentially over allocated, which will drive scheduling and staffing decisions. My problem is that we need to report this information and I would prefer not to have to export the Resource Planner and manipulate the data in Excel. I would much prefer to have a report that shows resource budgeted hours by project and share that. But if I can't display budgeted hours then a report won't work. I hope that helps. Joe Kovacs Canandaigua National Corporation


Level 4
I've been toying with the Resource Planner myself too. The objective being the production of a resource management dashboard showing budgeted hours vs planned hours side-by-side a report for planned hours vs actual hours with each of those reports being grouped by program and by person. Unfortunately, the Budgeted Hour business object is not available in reporting. As far as I can tell, the only thing close is the "Resource Planner Budgeted Labor Cost" which calculates the hours planned and $$/hr rate of the role assigned in aggregate for all the resources, roles and hours assigned in the resource planner. All our work in Resource Planner distills down to a single project level cost field. I tricked the system to give me hours by setting the role to have a $1/hour cost, which results in "Resource Planner Budgeted Labor Cost" actually being equivalent to the hours budgeted. Obviously not a feasible solution if you care about cost at all. I then attempted to use a custom, calculated field on tasks to determine the task's proportional amount of budget hours, but data integrity is lost because of the project level aggregation of the resource plan. If I put 40 budgeted hours in for person X and 80 budgeted hours in for person Y I'd correctly get 120 hours at the project level, but any attempt to report out how much of that 120 was person X vs person Y failed my litmus tests. Not sure where to go from here. I can easily imagine a text-mode heavy solution if I had access to that darn BudgetedHour business object in reporting! Rick MacDuffie Symetra Life Insurance Company


Level 10
Rick: are you talking about this functionality? "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020810933#display-bcws-and-bcwp" title="https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020810933#display-bcws-and-bcwp">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/articles/360020810933#display-bcws-and-bcwp -skye


Level 4
Nope. I'm solely focusing on hours and people capacity. We don't leverage the financial aspects of Workfront at this time. Maybe some day. Rick MacDuffie Symetra Life Insurance Company