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Report: Planned hours + Templates + Job roles


Level 1

Would it be possible to create a report that:

1.Shows the total planned hours per job role, grouped by project templates?


2. A project template report that displays the total planned hours, grouped by job roles or task assignments?

We are trying to determine a way to calculate the total planned hours allocated to each role within the project templates. These project templates are part of a specific portfolio.

1 Reply


Community Advisor

If you are assigning 1 user/job role to each task then you could accomplish this with a template task report, sum your planned hours columns and group by job role and template name. 





If you are assigning multiple users/job roles to task then you would need to get creative with this because task reports will only pull in the primary assignee details. You could create projects from the templates and then create an assignment report (this will get the details of all assignments on the tasks) filter for your specific test projects, group it by the test project name and job role and make sure you sum the planned hours column.