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Report Missing Results from New Field


Level 5

Have an existing form we use for all projects which is added to the projects via the first template applied. Today I've added a field to the form then created a report that would pull results from either a specified campaign name OR projects with this type-ahead field with a specific result. Then I bulk edited all of the existing projects that would need to use this new field (it was available in the custom forms section of those jobs). I've done this successfully in the past including with type-ahead fields. This time, while it is a Project form and a Project report, the fields only shows up under Template within the form filter set up area.

The report is only pulling in the projects within the specified campaign and missing results from new custom field using the OR statement. And

(Job is our term for Project)


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1 Accepted Solution


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

that’s typeahead fields for you ‚Ķ those little weirdos. Just remember to type in the fieldname from the beginning: they won’t come in on a keyword search like you expect. And they’re their own object so don’t look for them in the project object.

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3 Replies


Community Advisor

qq: does it show if you type “campaign” and scroll all the way to the end of your list (like‚Ķ not under the project section but in its own section)?


Level 5

It does. I'm not understanding why most custom fields seem to fall under the main (system) sections and a few become its own section with, in this case, one field, but that is what happened here.

Thank you, Skye, this worked. Love our Community!


Correct answer by
Community Advisor

that’s typeahead fields for you ‚Ķ those little weirdos. Just remember to type in the fieldname from the beginning: they won’t come in on a keyword search like you expect. And they’re their own object so don’t look for them in the project object.