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Report filter to compare two currency fields


Level 2


I am trying to pull a report that pulls specific criteria including if one currency field is greater than another. What would be the best way to do this? For example, in my screenshot, I know we can't put the field name in the box unless you're in text mode, but I'm trying to show what we are attempting to pull. Does anyone know the best way to write this out in text mode? 





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1 Reply


Community Advisor

I can get it to work with native fields, but it doesn't seem to work with a custom field. Maybe it's how my field was set up that I'm trying to compare (?) but it does appear to work for all native currency fields. 


Switch to text mode and put in this for your actual cost fields. Then if you switch back to standard mode the bar will be highlighted, and it becomes a "picker", and you can select other fields to compare. 



