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Report displays differently for users and Sys Admin


Level 6
Wanted to create a report that would list the users pending approvals. The report worked as planned but when we moved to the 2018.2 release the report only worked for me (Sys Admin) and not the users, see below. The report should only list proofs that the user needs to act on (review the proof). For example, if there were three stages and the user was in the last stage that proof would only appear in the report when their stage becomes active. When the user completes their review that proof would not appear in the list. Current report for Sys Admin Proof reviewed, so it's no longer listed. Working correctly. Here is what the users see. That same report now shows all proofs, whether or not they need to proof or not. No Group Settings Filter Settings Not much custom editing to fields, mostly changing the display name. Text Mode copy for Document Name descriptionkey=document.name link.linkproperty.0.name=ID link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=documentID link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=string link.lookup=link.view link.value=nested(documentVersion).nested(document).val(objCode) namekey=document.name querysort=documentVersion:document:name valuefield=documentVersion:document:name valueformat=HTML width=100 Text Mode for Proof Deadline displayname=Proof Deadline linkedname=documentVersion namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=documentVersion namekeyargkey.1=proofDeadline querysort=documentVersion:proofDeadline textmode=true valuefield=documentVersion:proofDeadline valueformat=HTML Text Mode for Proof Creator link.linkproperty.0.name=ID link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=proofedByUserID link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=string link.lookup=link.view link.value=nested(documentVersion).nested(proofedByUser).val(objCode) namekey=proofedByUser querysort=documentVersion:proofedByUser:name valuefield=documentVersion:proofedByUser:name valueformat=HTML width=100 Text mode for Active stage displayname=Active Stage linkedname=documentVersion namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=documentVersion namekeyargkey.1=activeProofStages querysort=documentVersion:activeProofStages textmode=true valuefield=documentVersion:activeProofStages valueformat=HTML Text Mode for Proof Approval Status displayname=Proof Approval Status linkedname=documentVersion namekey=view.relatedcolumn namekeyargkey.0=documentVersion namekeyargkey.1=proofApprovalStatus namekeyargkey.2=proofApprovalStatusLabel querysort=documentVersion:proofApprovalStatus:proofApprovalStatusLabel textmode=true valuefield=documentVersion:proofApprovalStatus:proofApprovalStatusLabel valueformat=HTML Any insights and how to fix is greatly appreciated. Stephen Jonas Manager, Communications Resources & Programs Hawaii Medical Service Association
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