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R19.1 bugs list


Level 10
I have caught up with the trending issues list at "https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/sections/204014708" title="https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/sections/204014708">https://support.workfront.com/hc/en-us/sections/204014708 and was wondering if anyone has any additional bugs they noticed for 19.1 release? On our side, we noticed two additional bugs: - collaborating users, on Macs, in Proofs, are no longer able to see each other's proof comments appearing in real time. - when inline editing on a task list and trying to add task assignments, you are no longer able to hit the enter key to select a user's name. Instead you must mouseclick on them to select their name. As well, customized task views are showing compressed task name column widths (not a huge surprise as this happened when the Project list enhancements debuted last year). One of our users complained her widths were not sticky ... so resizing the column widths were not working for a few minutes there. Does anyone know how this works (is it tied to browser caches)? We were unable to replicate this so we didn't report it. -skye
46 Replies


Level 10
I am finding that when I create a project from a template the task list doesn't appear until I refresh the page (F5). Also, not really a bug, but an annoying thing is that with the new lists, the last task on the project is so close to the bottom of the screen I can't really see it, and twice I accidentally changed the date to the wrong task. Weirdly, the "add new task" button at the very bottom is below the bar that moves the page to the right and left, and it is just not intuitive, the whole bottom of the page is a mess. On that same note, widening and narrowing columns in a project is now really hard, the mouse has trouble "catching" the + and instead grabs at the whole column as if to move it.


Level 2
Agreed--changing the column size of the task list is very buggy. When I've tried, I get the error shown here. Then I'm effectively locked out of seeing or using any task list on any project. The error doesn't go away if I refresh, restart, change browsers, clear my cache, etc. I have to have our admin reset my view to his standard view to get task list access back. All just for trying to change the column width. Trudie Gauerke


Level 3
Skye - We ran into the assigning users with the enter key issue as well. I found that you can use tab instead and it will assign the intended user, just like the enter key used to. Justin Enzor Insperity


Community Advisor
I've found with adding a new task "below" with either the right click or the 3-dots, I click the "Insert task below" and it provides a line right below the task I've clicked, I enter the task name, etc. but when I'm done it give the task a number that is at the bottom of the highest level parent task. e.g. I go to add a task below task #4, it gives me a line to add all my info. Task #2 should be the parent task and is a sub-task to #1, when I click off of my new task, it gets assigned task #27 and when I refresh it falls to the bottom of Parent Task #1. (Task #28 is a new Parent task at the same level as #1). With a real long task list, this could be a nightmare trying to find your new task. I'm submitting a ticket now. Insert Task Above seems to work OK, unless the task you're clicking on is a new parent task, then the new task is at the same level as the task you clicked, but at least it stays where I wanted it and I can indent it to be under the above parent.


Level 2
Thanks for that, Justin! Was driving me nuts this morning. Not sure why that was changed but at least theres a workaround Andrew Daniels Gartner, Inc.


Level 10
I just found this issue as well. Do we know if it's been reported to WF? Just don't want to add to their call traffic. I actually like the column resizing. Before if I wanted to expand my Task Name column I had to expand 9 other columns first. But I hate that I have to put my mouse cursor in the task list area to get the mouse wheel to scroll.


Level 8
@Heather Kulbacki if you want, you can reference tickets #1186859 and 1186931 . Also, If more people report it, the priority to fix it will be higher. Adina Pierce


Level 4
Hello, everyone, I'd like to inform that we're carefully reviewing all the feedback we get from various channels to make sure we address your concerns in a timely manner. The issues with Assignments selection and "Insert Task below" are being worked on and will be deployed to your environments soon. @Skye Hansen , @Trudie Gauerke , I'm surprised that resizing the columns didn't stick for your users or caused the error. Can you please report an issue to support so we can troubleshoot and fix those? Also based on the feedback, we're planning to have improvements for allocating the column sizes and scrolling the tasks list. We are hopeful to address those soon, so that you can enjoy the improved performance, undo/redo functionality while working in Gantt and other updates. Please feel free to send me an email with any feedback at lilitmkrtchyan@workfront.com. Thank you! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 10
@Lilit Mkrtchyan thanks so much for your response. I normally do not report issues that I cannot duplicate to the helpdesk, because if they can't duplicate them then they try to close the ticket. But I'll have one more chat with my user on Monday and try and describe the issue as best I can. I will be emailing you some feedback on the tasklist features next week, as well. My users are struggling with the look and feel, more than I predicted. I very much appreciate your offer and will contact you directly in a few days. -skye


Level 10
Hi @Lilit Mkrtchyan - our PMs have reported a few issues to me re the new lists functionality: The Filter button is not being seen as a suitable replacement for ctrl-F. The reason is that they need to be able to jump to a section of the list and work on surrounding tasks. Ctrl-F used to allow them to do this. Filter only shows them the specific tasks that they're searching for. At best, all they can do is filter and find the task number then close the filter and then use the mouse to scroll all the way through the list to that section. A secondary issue is that once the list is filtered they lose the indenting of the parent/child tasks, which makes it hard to view and work on them. What they really need is a "Jump To" button which allows them to jump through the list based on keywords. The existing filter is nice in some cases but is not a suitable replacement. If the PM is half way down a task list and refreshes the page, the screen returns to the top of the last. Previously it would return to the position they were at before the refresh. This is much lower priority than issue #1 but hopefully you can restore this functionality. Can't edit time in-line (I'm aware this one is a known issue). There's another high volume issue we're facing now but it's related to the Team Working On Calendars. Many users are reporting that they can't see any tasks. I've found that for some users a /resetUser and clearing of cookies/cache fixes it, however for other users it is still broken. It seems to happen when viewing teams with larger numbers of resources with many tasks. I recall having an issue like this with an update a while ago. David Cornwell


Level 10
There is an update on the issue with our Team Working On Calendars. We have found that it is related to the timezones on the users' PCs. If they are in the same timezone as our default system schedule, it is fine. However if it is any other timezone then they can't see anything on the calendar. We're escalating this with Workfront at the moment. I'm interested to hear if any other customers have this issue....e.g. if your system default schedule is New York time and you have users on the West Coast....if this bug applies equally then I expect they also can't see items on the calendars. David Cornwell


Level 4
Skye, David, Thanks again for following up on this and providing your users' concerns. I definitely would like to hear more of the specific use cases that work differently with the list updates so we can act based on them and make sure we improve the experience. @David Cornwell , answering your points about task list: I can understand your project managers needs here. We're discussing this internally to see how we can provide more context about the task in Quick Filter results. If you don't mind, I'll contact you soon to get your feedback about a possible solution and see if that will cover your use cases. We know about this behavior change. While we won't implement that right away as an issue fix, that's on my list of improvements so we'll add support for remembering the position as part of one of upcoming releases. The issue with date fields is fixed and being tested, so if it passes the testing successfully, we'll patch it this Thursday. Thanks again! Lilit Lilit Mkrtchyan Workfront


Level 7
We are struggling with the changes to the task list area. Assigning tasks is proving difficult due to the jumping around from a full list to just a few tasks or basically none at the top of the list. Currently, working in the tasks view is taking much longer and mistakes are being made. I have raised a ticket for this as this is a high priority issue for us. We are also unable to right click and select the options that should appear in the dropdown such as 'open in a new window' as part of the list is hidden. Louise Reynolds Premier Farnell Senior Global Marketing Workflow Specialist


Level 4
Hi Louise Our users are also struggling with the changes to the task list area. As you say, things are jumping around when trying to scroll and people are getting very frustrated. They feel the previous view worked fine, and that it is great we can now see all tasks but the view isn't ideal. Olivia Harrison Delivery Manager London


Level 10
Similar thoughts here. I think a full-screen button would suffice, like we have in the Resource Planner right now. Jamie Hill JLL


Level 3
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned this (I don't have a ton of time to read this thread verbatim, unfortunately), but one of the main issues that I have is that when I make my browser window larger the columns scale up, but they don't scale back down. So, if I adjust my browser to be wider and then narrower (or, more importantly, when I go from my laptop screen to a second (larger) screen and then back), I have to scroll to the right to get to everything. This is a HUGE time suck for me because then I need to adjust the columns. If someone has a fix for this, please let me know. Thank you! Brandon Hamm Bravo Group


Level 3
We are experiencing the same as you Brandon. Our project managers and traffic team are experiencing the same thing. Have you logged a ticket with support? I'm planning to but was going to reference yours as well. Justin Enzor Insperity


Level 3
Thanks for confirming what I'm seeing, @Justin Enzor . I have not logged a ticket, but I did submit feedback via the 'Give Feedback' button in the task view. I'm sure that's not the most efficient way to go about getting things fixed. I'll submit a ticket now and post the ref #. Thanks again for responding! Brandon Hamm Bravo Group


Level 5
We are also experiencing the same difficulties with column resizing, and general task list navigation. Our company uses travel sized laptops and the task list on a 13 in screen is... very difficult to use effectively. It would be great if this feature was optional at the user level. I left a note re: "Give Feedback". -Update- Also ran into the "Hitting enter no longer commits an assignment while updating a task" bug. Thanks, Saher Almaita


Level 3
Thank you both for your confirmation of this issue. I submitted the ticket and the ref # is 1187463 . Feel free to submit additional requests and reference that number. Thanks! Brandon Hamm Bravo Group