Yes we have had similar problems. Just last night the designer loaded a 3rd proof on top of version 1 & 2, no problem. It sent to everyone. However, the designer tried to open it and it just went to the screen where the versions should show, and it was a black screen with a spinning icon. She was able to see version 1 & 2 on that same screen. I had her delete the file and reload. That worked. I also had a contractor come back this year and we reactivated her license, she too had the same trouble. Entire proofs not loading, then we got a software update for her iMac, and then she could load but not open. So the help person on her ticket unchecked the box in her profile for "User can generate proofs" and saved that, then we reopened, checked that she could create proofs again and it fixed the problem. I was told sometimes the proofing licenses disconnects itself from the person on the back side of WF and this was the fix. I tried this on the problem last night and I am not sure if that fixed it or the removal and reinstall of the proof. My ticket number is 1160011 if you want to attach yourself to it. Samantha Senior Specalist, Creative Services 817-424-2186 **please use the "forward", if replying to a question about an attachment.