Is it possible to give users on early stages of a proof access to future versions WITHOUT moving them up a stage?
Our problem is that our key category leads make decisions on stage 2 or 3, but for the past two years we have moved them up to the currently active stage (all the way to a stage 7 sometimes) so they can see all the versions that go through, but we only require a decision from them on stage 2 or 3.
I just want to let them (but not require them to) see everything that happens and make comments without having to move them up stages. Is that possible?
Hi Samantha - I'm a little confused. When you say stages, do you mean Proof Stages? We use the same stages for every version. Are you saying you change the workflow for every version? (And if so, I'm just curious why)
My advice would be to make them just plain Reviewer (instead of Reviewer & Approver) on the version you want them to see an comment but not require them to do anything for the workflow to continue.
However, if you have a different workflow for every version, I'm not sure exactly how that looks. In ours, because we have the same workflow on every version, we might have someone be a Reviewer & Approver on Stage 2, but then leave their stage unlocked and have their notifications set to Decision. So for all the stages after it, they get an email that the stage was complete and they can still go in an comment.
Not sure if any of this helpful or I've just confused things, but if you could explain a little bit about how your Proof Stages work, I might be able to help narrow all this down. LOL!
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Hey Anthony! Yes, stages is proof stages. We have the same workflow for every version, but each version is uploaded to a different stages. This is an old habit that was established so early in our implementation no one even remembers why it was done. 😂
I know it's confusing - trust me I was extremely confused by it when I came in - but suffice it to say your reply was helpful! Especially leaving the stage unlocked and having notifications set to decisions. All good to know! Thank you so much!
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Anthony, I have a new question. How do you have your stage activations set up?
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We personally like "All decisions are made" on the parent stage. We move a proof through every stage (even if stages say Changes Required) to cut down on the number of versions. Everyone can comment on one version before changes are made.
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@Anthony Imgrund‚ and Samantha, good afternoon!
We also use multiple stages. How might we best address these to issues?
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How do you have the same person in multiple stages? I was told that's not possible.
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I wish we could, but we actually manually move everyone around
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