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Project Status to an External User


Level 10
If you want to show an external user, the status of a given project - how are you doing that? What report or dashboard are you creating to show them progression? How are you delivering that - I assume email from inside of Workfront. The main question is what report or dashboard is being used to show any one where the project is, status wise, at any given moment of time. Thanks Benetta Perry APS
4 Replies


Level 10
(deja-vu all over again....) Hi Benetta, I suspect others can provide examples of Workfront based solutions, but to present Project Status Reporting in an intuitive and professional format (especially to an External User), I invite you to consider our "http://store.atappstore.com/product/executive-status-report/">Executive Status Report solution. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads


Level 4
We use a Dashboard that we created that consists of 5 reports. Each report uses Workfront fields and fields developed from custom forms attached to each project. These dashboards are converted to PDF files and emailed to external customers and to the project sponsor and key stakeholders and team and our management. Additionally, the PDF documents are saved to a folder inside each project to serve as a project artifact for audit purposes. The idea here is to have project owners create a 1-page summary report. A trick we learned is that Dashboards can be printed or saved as PDF files. In a project dashboard, Go to More Actions, then Print, then Save As (also serves as a print preview), then select Save. This document can be emailed, saved to a drive or uploaded to Google docs to share etc. PMO creates the dashboards from a template we copy. The new copy is named with the project name. Each of the five reports in the dashboard needs to be pointed to this same project name by using the report filter. Our Status Dashboard report contains the following five custom reports: Project Health Indicators report :, Name, owner, status indicators (red, amber, green) for schedule, budget, resources, issues and overall project health. Project details report : Status, current SDLC phase, Planned Go live date, Planned project end date, % complete, planned budget, actual expenses, expenses variance, % budget spent to date. Project Details report: Project description, Project Overall summary(a custom filed describing the progress/challenges in the current phase) Key accomplishments/Key activities report : The current status update of both the key accomplishments in this reporting period and the key activities planned for next week. (this is pulled from the status update from the project owner) Issue on this project report: issue name, description, priority, Impact, Mitigation plan, Assigned to, Open date, Resolution date, # days over due. Chris Mueller HLUS: Holdings


Level 3
And don't forget that you can schedule automatic delivery of individual reports directly from Workfront. So if you get a report written that you want to share with people on a regular basis, just go to the Report Actions menu, select Send Report, and then set up a repeating delivery. Allison Lippert Workfront Training Manager allisonlippert@workfront.com


Level 10
Thank you for these detailed instructions, I will be working to implement an executive status Dashboard. Benetta Perry APS