Hi Jessica, Sure. We have a Project Status Reporting form attached to each project that the PM is to update once a week. It contains the items that have the opportunity to move each time the PM updates their plan (i.e. forecast – both time & cost, etc.). In that form we have the (Green, Yellow, Red) Scores for the PM to update. Scope Score – if the Scope has changed or is constantly changing, the PM has an opportunity to raise a flag. Schedule Score – If the new Planned Implementation Date (from a milestone task in the plan) has slipped past the Target Implementation Date, the score must be changed to Yellow or Red. Budget Score – If the Planned Forecast from the plan has slipped past the Project Budget, the score must be changed to Yellow or Red. We have an API job that will send us a comment if the Schedule Score is Green, but the updated Planned Date is past the Target Date. So we can keep them honest �� . And the PM has the option to turn any of them Yellow or Red if they see danger that they want to raise up (i.e. Project Sponsor not responding, etc.). Then we have calc fields that change the overall project health color to Yellow if any of the three scores above are set to Yellow. Same for Red. We use that field on our project reports. Let me know if you wish to have any further detail.