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Project Report based on Users Assigned


Level 2
Hi All, Wondering if there is a way to generate a report that lists all completed projects that included a member of the team in any of the tasks. We are looking to see all projects completed in Q4 of 2017 from a small subset of designers. The closest thing I've seen has been a task report pulling from the "Assigned To" field, but there doesnt seem to be any option to do this at the project level. Note, this type of user would not be listed in a custom form, project owner/sponsor, etc. They would simply be assigned to a task within a project. If not, I'll probably have to manually log in to each designer and export from their "Projects Im On" section. As an admin, shouldn't I be able to generate a report of all projects any team members are currently assigned to? Andrew Daniels Gartner, Inc.

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4 Replies


Level 10
I think you can use collections in the filter. Here's an example where using the collection of hours was used in a project report: hours:ownerID=57447046004e3416cee385ff9c223afc hours:ownerID_Mod=in The collection is hours and the field is OwnerID Collections Reporting : a. View the API Explorer at "https://developers.workfront.com/api-docs/api-explorer/"> https://developers.workfront.com/api-docs/api-explorer/ b. Find the object you want to get the list of items relating to (project, task, issue, user etc). c. Click on the Collections tab. d. Click on the data type you want. e. Copy the API Key into the green field below: f. Click on the URL to the collection object and click on the field you want and copy the API Key in the blue field below. g. Add a new column to a view or report and paste the below in text mode. Note that the report needs to be of the same type as the object you chose in step two. ------Original Message------ Hi All, Wondering if there is a way to generate a report that lists all completed projects that included a member of the team in any of the tasks.  We are looking to see all projects completed in Q4 of 2017 from a small subset of designers.   The closest thing I've seen has been a task report pulling from the "Assigned To" field, but there doesnt seem to be any option to do this at the project level.  Note, this type of user would not be listed in a custom form, project owner/sponsor, etc.  They would simply be assigned to a task within a project. If not, I'll probably have to manually log in to each designer and export from their "Projects Im On" section.  As an admin, shouldn't I be able to generate a report of all projects any team members are currently assigned to? Andrew Daniels Gartner, Inc.


Level 3
From a Projects report, you could use Assignments > Assigned to ID Or you could filter by Project Users, but this is more than just assignees. It would include any project the users commented on or interacted with, but depending on your use case that might not occur often on projects they aren't assigned. Alex


Level 2
Thank you Alex! So there's no way to just pull users on the staffing tab? Bummer, this will have to do! I think for our use cases, this will cover about 90% Andrew Andrew Daniels Gartner, Inc.


Level 10
Hi Andrew, I have a report like this that is a project object type, but the thing to remember is that you can't group by user because you have a many-to-one situation. You want to use the filters in the Project Users section. There are two approaches I have taken: Have a prompt that is Project Users >> ID and the person running the report can just type in the name of the user they want to see what projects they are on. Use the Project Users >> Manager ID equals $$USER.ID so that a manager can see projects for every user that is their direct report. (Although I'd put in a column of project members so that they can see who is on what project*) One thing to remember with this approach is that Project Team is not 100% accurate, meaning that someone might be on the project team but is not actually assigned to the project. We have a lot of project managers that copy projects and don't clear the Staffing tab before they reassign work. So wanted to give you that heads up. * - Code for Project Team column displayname=Project Team listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=user:name valueformat=HTML If this report is just for a specific user, you can do use this code so that only the manager's team members show up. But you have to hard code the manager's ID and can't use the dynamic $$USER.ID option. displayname=Team Members listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(projectUsers).lists textmode=true type=iterate valueexpression=IF({user}.{managerID}="REPLACE THIS WITH MANAGER'S ID BUT KEEP QUOTATION MARKS",CONCAT({user}.{name}," | "),"") valueformat=HTML Hope this is helpful Anthony Imgrund FCB