Has anyone run into a situation where you've completed a larger number of tasks within a project but, at the project lst level, the % Complete still shows 0%? Chris Watson KVH Industries, Inc.
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Here's a better image of the program with projects greyed out. You can see the one that's at 0%. Clicking into that project then shows the completed tasks at 100%. Chris Watson KVH Industries, Inc.
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There could be one of a few reasons:
Let us know if it's not any of those three.
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Hi Vic,
Thanks for the suggestions. The tasks in question all have assigned hours though the duration is set to 0 days as the initial set of tasks were all taking place in sequence on the same day.
Our projects templates by default have the summary completion mode and update type set for "Automatic" and "Automatic and on Change" respectively.
It's odd as our other projects use the same template settings and track % complete for the project as a whole without incident.
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Hi Chris,
Percent complete calculation is done based on the setting in Setup -> Project Preferences -> Projects . So if it's set to Duration in your instance (which I think is the case based on what you have said), then the percent complete will be 0 for the tasks unless the duration has some value and only the tasks that do have duration will affect the overall percent complete of the project. So, you might want to change this setting to Planned Hours if that's what your work is based on. Please note that the change will affect all the projects in the system.
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Just from the initial image, understanding it's confidential, it looks like you don't have a parent task for the overall project. If everything is not indented from a parent task for the project then it won't show completion for the project like you want.
For instance, the project should look like:
You can add any level of child tasks below "Confidential Project," but if "Confidential Project" isn't a true parent, then the timeline and progress will not calculate properly, from my understanding. Please correct me if I'm mistaken.
From the glimpse of the first screenshot, it looks like the "Confidential Project" could be at the same level as Phase 1 rather than having Phase 1 be a child task of the project. If that is the case, then the logic of calculating the overall project progress will not work.
Hope this helps!
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Hi Emma,
Just so you know, you don't have to have that Confidential parent task to get the project's overall percent complete to work. We don't have on any of our projects.
I think the issue is that he has the percent complete based on duration and his tasks have 0 durations. We had the opposite problem in our early days were it was set to do percent complete by hours, but our people weren't doing planned hours yet.
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That solved it. The issue was that the first 4-5 tasks all were happening on the same day so we had them set for 0 days duration with the planned hours set as we were using predecessors but didn't want each task to look like it was a full day. Changing the durations for 0 days to some portion of hours then caused the completion percentage to update as we do have our Setup > Preferences > Projects to calculate progress based on duration. It's been so long since I set up our implementation that I completely forgot that option was there.
Thanks, everyone, for helping figure this out! I appreciate it.
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