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Problem with Pln Hrs vs Duration on Subtasks for Agile


Level 1
Before the 2018.1 release when we'd set the Pln Hrs on a subtask of a story in our sprint, it would correctly set the Duration to the equivalent in days. So for example, if you put in 12 hours for Pln Hrs, it would translate to 1.5 Days. Now it's putting in pure nonsense for the duration..it doesn't even seem to be calculated from the Pln Hrs any longer. Right now I'm looking at a subtask that has a duration of 40 days with Pln Hrs of .5. Where did it get that? I wouldn't care so much, but it looks like the Duration field is what's used to calculate the percent complete on a task so it skews our burndown drastically. Any idea how we can fix this? What changed that would have caused this? If it helps, this is our current setup: Methodology: Scrum 2 week sprints 8 hours = 1 point Marcus Mobley Radial

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3 Replies


Level 1
Good question for Agile. I agree this is important for good sprint planning. I think Workfront was originally designed like this: Set the duration --> determines end date of the task (think project management, when can the next dependent task start, gant chart, etc) Set the planned hours --> determines the actual workload for the person(s) who get(s) assigned the task, no influence on task end date. My question: What's the best way to use these 2 in Agile? Tom Luksch Radial


Level 1
I'm having the same issue, it's really causing havoc with our sprint planning! Stacie Speltz Radial


Level 10
Hi Marcus, Seeing a .5 hour Task generate a 40 days duration seems very strange (and slightly Biblical). I wonder if some other global variable (eg hours per workday) happened to change around the time of the 2018.1 release, and might be the root cause. In any event, I'd recommend you raise it with support and get some assistance asap. Regards, Doug Doug Den Hoed - AtAppStore Got Skills? Lend a hand! https://community.workfront.com/participate/unanswered-threads