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Primary and Other Roles


Level 1
Hello WF Community!! I'm trying to build a report to see which of our users have multiple roles but I cannot find anything that leads to BOTH primary and other roles, as they are labeled. Filters I am using for a User Report: Job Roles ID = is not blank User Role ID = is not blank User = is active = true I added Groupings: User = Business role Job Role = Name I'm not getting all roles because I've confirmed people with multiple roles but the 'other' roles are not showing up. Any help is appreciated!! Paulette.oderio@necam.com 630-694-5517 Paulette Oderio Nec Corporation of America

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2 Replies


Level 2
Paulette, I'm not sure this is still an issue for you, but I had the same problem and found the solution in the Discussion Board. This should work for you: Create a new column in your report, switch to text mode and paste the following: displayname=All Job Roles link.linkproperty.0.name=ID link.linkproperty.0.valuefield=ID link.linkproperty.0.valueformat=int link.lookup=link.view link.value=val(objCode) listdelimiter= listmethod=nested(userRoles).lists namekey=roles.plural textmode=true type=iterate valuefield=role:name valueformat=HTML This accomplished 98% of what I was looking for (the other 2% was including the percentage distribution for the roles assigned). The credit goes to @Andrew Beard for working making this work. Norbert Esty New York University


Level 1

This is helpful, but there is no option to get the percentage distribution for the roles assigned in report? @NorbertEs