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Possible to shorten field value but still be in-line editable?


Level 10
I've had a PM tell me that they'd like to use the system URL field in their Tasks view to keep track of URLs -- but when they try to use it, each row with a URL becomes super tall. Is it possible to allow the field to be edited in-line AND also only show the value up to a certain number of characters? Thank you! Jamie Hill JLL EMEA
1 Reply


Level 10
Hi Jamie, You could set the standard view be a shortened URL and then have an "Edit" view for making the in-line modifications. I think once you shift to a valueexpression to shorten the presentation of the URL, you lose the in-line-edit ability. Just in case you don't have it, here is what you can use to provide a friendly shortcut: displayname=Shortcut link.url=URL linkedname=html(URL) textmode=true valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({URL}),"","View") valueformat=HTML And here's how you can shorten the URL in the presentation: valueexpression=IF(ISBLANK({URL}),"",SUBSTR({URL},0,25)) linkedname=html(URL) valueformat=HTML displayname=Shortcut link.url=URL textmode=true