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Please! No more scheduled maintenance outages during business hours


Level 10
We just had an outage during business hours related to Workfront scheduled maintenance happening on a Thursday evening. For us in AsiaPac this is in the middle of our business day on Friday. This would not be acceptable to your North American or European customers, so I don't think it should be acceptable for your customers in AsiaPac. Workfront is a global business and we expect your maintenance to consider this too. According to Workfront Trust, scheduled maintenance is as follows: 2nd and 4th Saturday 8:00 pm to 12:00 am MT 1st and 3rd Thursday 8:00 pm to 12:00 am MT If you can do it on a Saturday for the 2nd and 4th weeks, then why can't you do it for the 1st and 3rd weeks? I hope other AsiaPac customers join this call for unnecessary business-hours outages to be avoided. Regards, David
5 Replies


Level 10
Hi: Yeah, this is problematic. Someone isn't thinking this through well and I am concerned at what else they aren't thinking through. This is a symptom of a bigger issue that could impact everyone at one time or another. L


Level 8
I agree! I was cut off last night as well while working late. Adina Pierce Cisco


Level 4
I agree 100%! For a global business and online platform, this is not acceptable. Thanks David for bringing this to our attention. Nick Vivanco


Level 2
Agreed. We are based in Auckland (NZ) and this outage was during our working day (Friday). For a system like Workfront, scheduled maintenance should be possible without needing to take out the production system, and if not, then at least schedule it at the weekend when the vast majority of users are not on the system. After the last scheduled outage, I did ask to be moved onto the EMEA cluster as their scheduled maintenance would be less disruptive to us, but I don't think it is possible. Richard Petley ICM Asia Pacific Limited


Level 2
I absolutely agree. I have raised this multiple times in the past. We pay for over 200 users to be able to access the system during Business Hours. There are plenty of Non-Business hours to conduct these maintenance windows in. Our business also provides a cloud-hosted application to customers around the world. They would simply not tolerate a planned interruption to service during Business Hours. @Workfront Support when will receive an update to this ongoing problem? Cheers Melanie Metcalfe Foster Moore International Limited