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Planner tool SLOW


Level 3
I try to apply more than 2 filters to the planner tool and it takes 4 minutes for it to complete loading. Does anyone have a solve for this? Or will this come with the next launch? Help! Emily Byrne The Starr Conspiracy

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2 Replies


Level 7
Hi Emily, Is this for the Resource Planner? If so then we have exactly the same problem. Could I ask what Cluster you are in? It takes forever to load and we was initally advised this is because of the amount of data in the tool. Workfront then told us to apply filters and this will make it quicker but it hasn't and we have had constant tickets open since around October. Have you spoke to support or anyone about this? Be keen to know what they may have said to you. Thanks, Vicky Vicky Fitzgerald Telegraph Media Group Limited


Level 3
I am not sure what cluster we are in. But that sounds very similar to us. It actually gets slower the more filters we put on. Doesn't seem like data would be a good reason why it would be so slow then what is the point of using the tool? It was also the night before the software went out last week, so that might have been a contributing factor. But it is still extremely slow when trying to pull the data with 4+ filters on. I will submit a ticket and see what they say. Emily Byrne The Starr Conspiracy