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Only 2 days left to submit for a Lion Award!



If you are part of the Workfront community, you probably have more to brag about than you think! If you haven't submitted to win a Workfront Lion Award yet - don't wait! Submissions close May 7.

Categories include:


The Lion Award finalists for Strategic Achievement start with visibility and context. Our nominees have displayed the ability to communicate business goals clearly and broadly, resulting in colleagues understanding the requirements to contribute to company success.


Technology is a key enabler of a breakthrough performance culture. These finalists show technical excellence in deploying applications and systems to foster smarter decision making across individuals, teams, and departments.


These finalists show operational excellence in their ability to actively manage work. Each organization understands that measurable success always matters and displays a distinct ability to clearly define business outcomes to drive processes, projects, and programs.


Constant and often disruptive change is business as usual. The organizational agility award finalists demonstrate agility as a core competency and the ability to quickly and continuously innovate to achieve success.


As a leader in enterprise work management, these finalists have displayed excellence across all award categories. These enterprises have achieved the attributes necessary to treat work—people, actions, and the intellectual capital they create—as a tier one asset and achieve unique value as a result.

RISING STAR - individual award

These up-and-coming leaders are setting the pace for the rapidly changing world of work. Each finalist displays a passion for fresh ideas and strategic innovation. Their collaborative mindset and ability to inspire their organizations make them rising stars in enterprise work management.

MODERN WORK LEADER - individual award - North America only

Modern work leaders are both an agent of change and someone who inspires, guides, and coaches others. These finalists have demonstrated the ability to communicate the impact of working differently and influence adoption and employee satisfaction across their company.


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