Is there anyone I can speak to about the forced roll out of the new Workfront Home Page that is coming?
Please, please do not remove the functionality of the current Worklist. It is necessary for any project manager that is properly using Workfront to do their job. It is a simple listing of tasks and proofs that are in chrono order BY DEADLINE. Late items are red. The new page has this separated, so harder to cross check tasks to proofs to see what is missing.
The Awaiting my Approval is not even usable. It lists items in order of date added, not by DEADLINE. Who cares when they were added? This is insane. To see when each item is due so I know what to work on, I have to click on each one, open proof (which takes forever), then click on Workflow. So instead of using my eyeballs and reading deadlines in the Worklist, I have multiple clicks. And when I open the proofs from Awaiting My Approval sometimes they open, sometimes the Overview page opens, sometimes I get an error. (people are going to be angry!) What currently takes seconds to use now takes a very long time. Huge step backwards.
If you MUST force this on your customers, please add a widget that is the exact same view as current Worklist. Begging! At least this will keep current power users happy.
In our processes/use of Workfront, we do not upload documents directly to tasks, we upload them to projects. Having a quick upload button in the quick updates area in Priorities is extremely confusing for my team. Can I turn this off, or will I have the ability to eventually?
We also do this same thing and do not load documents to the tasks. Agreed that we should be able to upload documents from a task to the project documents area. My creatives desperately want to be able to do this. Putting in an idea for this.
@jerflo can you address the timing questions above, on both the date to be able to disable Priorities, and the fast follow functions/improvements to widgets? Thank you.
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Hi Jen - thanks for your excitement! We have some great things planned. Column picker is on our roadmap (as mentioned above).
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Hi @jerflo - one of the more critical columns we use is 'Last Update' to see what is new on a project.
The video/page says this is something that should display with Priorities but I dont see it. Am I missing it?
Also - how are the colors of the project names defined? That is a big ask now from some our users so I'd love to be able to tell them WF can do it.
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Hi Christina - thank you for the feedback! A column picker is indeed on our roadmap.
Regarding colors, they are currently system-generated. However, we also have "color customization" on our roadmap. Please let your users know that we welcome their input to ensure we get color customization right.
So far, we've heard a need to assign color to: status, project, custom field (aka business unit or lob), and client.
@jerflo where is it outlined what type of reminders users should be sent to "re-bookmark" the right URLs for when this change occurs? Are there dependencies around whether a system admin has made the default switch for their team to new home (workspace) vs. old (worklist or home)? Please advise.
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Hi @jerflo. Can we please get the option to hide the left-hand nav bar if we opt to disable the Priorities page for our users? It's incredibly confusing to have a bar existing simply to click on the Priorities page, which we won't be using out the gates, and the Home page, which is already available in multiple other areas.
Agree. As System Admins, if we disable "Priorities" under our System --> Preferences (for now), then our users should not see that left-hand navigation bar, as "Priorities" is not enabled. Causes unnecessary clutter and confusion. Now I need to send yet another communication to my users to "please ignore this in Workfront'.
I am not seeing proofs in Priorities. The legacy Worklist had both tasks and proofs so it was easy to cross check. Can proofs please be added? And with deadlines shown/able to filter entire list by deadline? Currently My Approvals widget is the only way to view proof and only shows date added to system instead of due date. Not helpful. And we cannot filter by due date to see at a glance items on top of list that are late or need our attention.
Proofs in Priorities is on our roadmap. But with this most recent release we've also added "Due Date" or Deadline to the My Approvals widget so you should see that available now too. Example attached.
This is WONDERFUL news! Thank you!
I am not seeing due date/deadline for items in My Approvals yet. Is this something our admin has to push out to us?
Same here!
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In Priorities, is there a plan to make the job name clickable and take you to the respective job? That is where our whole team would prefer to be able to nav to, not the odd task overview page. And the task overview page has to way to get you to the job itself/task list.
I am not seeing due date/deadline for items in My Approvals yet. Is this something our admin has to push out to us?
Reposting in hopes of getting a response. Would really like to see deadlines. Thanks
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Is any work being done to display My Approvals in chrono order by due date? Or at least add that to filter? Doesn't make any sense to have to manually search through all your approvals to see what is due when. I know I have asked in past, so circling back. Thanks
hi @ShannonAn1 currently, there's no active work to adjust My Approvals widget, but this is great feedback that I'll take back to the team. We do have plans for a new and improved approvals view that would support this functionality, though we don't have a timeline for delivery yet. I appreciate you circling back on this!
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