Is anyone else having issues with the new timesheet release? I am having two major issues.
Is anyone else having these issues? Does anyone have any solutions?
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One of our users reported point #2, but I haven't seen it in action. So can't comment much on that. I have asked them to wait till "Auto-saved" at the bottom is confirmed.
However, I agree with point #1 - Users are struggling with it since the easier search functionality has been taken down.
Why are things always so difficult in Workfront??? It's like they add one good feature at the expense of another good feature which users are already used to.
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I wonder if the issue on bullet #2 is one I ran into myself: hitting return/enter does not commit the time entry, you must click-out or tab-out now.
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Hi @Tami_Gomez ,
we are experiencing tons of issues with timesheets. The latest one is that since today, the task type isn't selected anymore, which causes UI freezes.
But for your two topics:
Hope this helps and that we can soon move past those issues altogether...
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We are also having several issues with the Timesheet app. Several people have seen the exact issue you mentioned second. Hours not saving properly, specifically after a "refresh" has caused hour times to be off.
We have also seen issues where comments do not stick. Auto-Save says things have been saved, but exiting and coming back into TimeSheet shows the comments were lost. Even after a simple "refresh" of the screen, comments that were previously saved, were deleted.
Finally, today (8/2) there are issues where hours will not save UNTIL a refresh is performed. We need to enter hours against at task, do a "refresh", enter hours against a second task, do another refresh, etc.
There seem to be several issues with Timesheet, especially with "auto-save" not really saving things properly.
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