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New Home Peer Support/Best Practice Idea Sharing - Any Interest?


Level 3

With required transition to the New Home Experience on 10/17 (planned), would other admins here have interest in sharing best practices or training ideas, as well as pinch points among others managing their way through this? If so reply here and I can coordinate conversations among interested folks in the next 1-2 weeks, and set up a support group of sorts. 


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25 Replies


Level 3

Interested and following. I'm gearing up to do a training for my user group sometime in the next month. I have several people who actively dislike the new home and how fragmented it is. They rely heavily on the current (old) home Work List to prioritize all their work items (not just tasks) and find it harder to tell what's ready to start in the new widgets. I'm still trying to get a feel for it myself.


Level 3

@JenL-LAZ Feel free to message me at ayost@athene.com
I'll include you in a Teams call. 


Level 2

Following for strategies. We are talking about it in two weeks during our team meeting. Surprising, the biggest complaint so far is that tasks no longer show in red when overdue. This has become a deep part of our vocabulary, "I'm drowning, I have so much stuff in red," and will be a big adjustment learning the new "My work" layout. 


Level 3

Feel free to message me at ayost@athene.com
I'll include you in a Teams call. 


Level 7

Following this as well. In my opinion, there is a lack of end-user material/resources to help system administrators transition their users over to the New Home. There are no end-user short overview videos or handouts to help explain the New Home and its features/functionality. I had looked on the Support site and could not find anything, so had submitted a ticket to Support to ask about end-user documentation, and they pointed me to pages/materials that are more geared for the system administrator. When Workfront transitioned to the current (legacy) Work List/Home a few years ago, there were several end-user resources created that the system administrator could use to help get end users used to the new Home and to help train them. With this ‘new’ New Home, I find that I am left with really nothing to help. There are a few items that are not parity with the current Home that my end users have gotten quite used to using  (e.g., Calendar View), that are not in the New Home, or that are on the Roadmap to be done later, but that does not help end users right now. Any end-user resources that Workfront could create for system administrators to use would be very helpful, but at this point, not sure if they will have anything in time before the legacy Work List/Home is deprecated on October 17.  


Level 3

Feel free to message me at ayost@athene.com
I'll include you in a Teams call. 


Level 9

For my team, I created our own custom training guide as a quick start guide so they could become familiar with the new functionality and what some of the buttons did. I did also include in my guide what was not available with the New Home that we used heavily with the Legacy Home and provided work arounds to my users if there were any available. Otherwise, I would be getting the same questions over and over again about why something was not available.


I did also hold training sessions to demo the tool and for users to ask questions. Once these sessions were completed, I added on 2 open door sessions weekly for 4 weeks to offer the extra support to my users.



Thank you for this feedback! We're here to support you throughout this transition. You may have already seen these resources, but if not, here they are:

More documentation is on the way, and we'll continue to provide updates. We appreciate your engagement and patience as we move forward together. 


Level 3

Thanks, @jerflo . @skyehansen and @KristinFarwell - I have gotten great interest here about setting up user groups/support sessions for admins walking through this change. I have started developing my training materials, as have others. I've also lost the ability to reply and keep engaging each interested party via direct response on this community conversation. It would be ideal from Workfront to manage the first session, and set that up using contact information of those outlined here. We know changes are coming, but we need to talk now about what we do know to prepare for the change. My organization does not allow Google sheets, otherwise, I'd send out a link to everyone to sign up. Kristin, Jeremy or Skye, can you coordinate with my help and confirmation of who can be involved? I would suggest setting up one session at least late next week and then scheduling more from there as needed. Thank you. 


Level 2

Why not add a widget that is an exact display of the legacy Worklist?  Combine tasks and proofs with deadlines shown and in chrono order by deadline.  Late are red. 


Currently the new home is broken. Proofs are listed by 'date added' rather than due date and don't even show the due date.  Not usable. You have to manually open each one with multiple clicks to see when they are due.  As someone with hundreds of jobs running, this will seriously impair productivity.


Level 7

Thanks for the update. However, what I was looking for is end-user resources (guides, handouts, short videos) that are geared toward end user audience to explain about the New Home and its features and functionality. The items outlined above are more for system administrators and/or general technical support pages/resources. As mentioned, when the ‘old’ Work List transitioned to the ‘old’ New Home a few years ago, Workfront had created quite a lot of resources that system administrators could use and customize, if needed, to help transition end users over to the New Home – these had included sample communications, overviews, handouts, etc. This is what I am looking for regarding the ‘new’ New Home. It would have been great if Workfront had created these types of items like they did previously, but as it stands now, looks like this will not be the case, and I will need to carve out time creating materials from scratch in a short time period.


Speaking of which, in previous transitions, more ‘heads up’ time was given. From my perspective, the definite date of October 17 was only announced a very short time ago. Over the months, I had heard general comments that Work List/Legacy Home will be retired “at some point”, “possibly Fall” – but never an exact date, and then it seemed like suddenly, the October 17 date was communicated but with not much ‘heads up’. With the transition from the ‘old’ Work List to the ‘old’ New Home, there had been lots of communication about the transition, and the final transition date was communicated way in advance.




Thank you, @skyehansen! Always appreciate you tagging me in threads like this. Looping in @ai-n on my team as she recently did research on New Home and has already started to create enablement for Admins! 


Level 9

I would absolutely love to participate, I think it's going to be a hard transition for my team as well.


Level 3

Feel free to message me at ayost@athene.com
I'll include you in a Teams call. 


Level 2

Thank you.  I am interested in participating.