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Modify Project Completion Dates


Level 1
I forgot to set a project to complete status. It has been complete for a couple of months. I would like to get into the project and modify the completion date to reflect reality instead of the date that I marked it as complete. How can I do this? I am an Administrator and the project owner but I don't see how to do this anywhere. -Donna Donna Liotta National Safety Council
1 Reply


Level 2
Is your project marked 100% complete at the task level. Workfront should reflect the last completed task's actual completion date as the project's actual completion date. If you still have new or in progress tasks, those will be closed out to the date you manually changed the project status to complete. If that latter is the case, you'll need to go into each task and verify the actually completion date. For example, if you have one final task called close out job, you would: Change the project status to planning Modify the close out job task's actual completion date to your desired date Change project status to complete The project actual completion date should now reflect your desired date. Matt Harabin McCann Managed Markets McCann Health