Expand my Community achievements bar.

Members with photos are 7 times more likely to receive responses or connections than other members.


Level 9
Did you know Community members with photos are 7 times more likely to receive responses or connections than other members ? A great way to increase engagement on your posts and comments, and the number of connections you have here in the community is to upload a profile picture. If you haven't done this, do it today. Just go to: My Options (at the top of the page > My Profile > My Picture (On the side of the page.) -Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at: natebagley@workfront.com
3 Replies


Level 10
This is interesting! It certainly adds a personal feel to the interaction, except when users opt for a picture of the beach or their favorite superhero. Are these statistics from this Community site or something you found elsewhere?


Level 9
This is an industry stat we got from our community software provider. I'm sure they took the measurement from several different online communities similar to ours. I found it to be really interesting. In Reply to Narayan Raum:
This is interesting! It certainly adds a personal feel to the interaction, except when users opt for a picture of the beach or their favorite superhero. Are these statistics from this Community site or something you found elsewhere?
-Nate Bagley --- Workfront Community Manager - Work Smart, Work Happy Message me directly at:


Level 4
Very true. There is something that plays in psychologically that makes users more likely to respond. You look at the person's photo and it's as if you feel they're right there, so you feel more inclined to respond. Great observation!