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Launch ideas shared at the recent Midlands User Group


Level 2
For those of you who attended, we had some great discussions at the User Group on Tuesday around tips for successfully launching Workfront within your oganisations. A summary of the tips submitted from users include; All about PR - tell a great story, sell Workfront internally Provide goodies/food! Run fun competitions and give away prizes Provide training - both simple and advanced and tailor for each team if possible Look to get Workfront trainer onsite Dedicate a project manager for the launch Select Super Users (per department) - not necessarily the manager/director, but must be someone enthusiastic and influential Treat as a system and cultural change - users may need to have their hands held through the change Let me know if I missed any tips or you have any more great ideas/suggestions to add to this list.

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1 Reply


Level 6
I think you've listed the main points Sophie. If anyone would like advice/ideas for their launch and adoption, I'd be happy to help.