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Journal Entry Report - Export data to Excel not available??


Level 3

Hello - I have created a Journal Entry report and it's almost perfect for our needs. The only issue we ran into is that there is no button on the Details tab to export the raw data into an Excel file or CSV. Any assistance with this?


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6 Replies


Level 3

Replying to my own question :)

I got the "Send Report" working by specifying a TSV file type. If you specify XLS/XLSX, it won't send anything. I'm guessing this is a WF bug that should be logged and fixed: 1) Missing export button on Details tabs; 2) Send Report to XLS file does not work.


Level 3

One more reply to my own post. Now the email with the XLSX file came through. Took about 15-20 minutes after I hit the "Send Report" button.



Thank you for sharing! I'm glad the XLSX report eventually made it in.



@Hrug DerManuelian‚ glad to hear this report is almost perfect for your needs. As Kyna mentioned above, thank you for sharing your feedback. Just so you know, we intentionally removed the export button on the Details tab to account for any potential performance implications. As you can imagine, this report can bring back several results (especially if not using filters). We plan to keep the "send report" functionality there for now and will watch this closely before making any other optimizations to the journal entry report. If you have more feedback you'd like to provide, don't hesitate to reach out to me directly at jeremyf@adobe.com.


Level 3

Hi - thank you for the response. Our internal Workfront technical team suggested the same that it was likely an intentional decision related to performance. Glad to get that confirmed.

Will be reaching out over email on another topic. Thanks again!


Level 5

Anyone else having issues with these? I have been trying to get ANY file format of my journal report to send over multiple days for HOURS and only 1 came through. And the one that did, some fields were just filled with ######. I also tried scheduling one and it didn't send. Any ideas?