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Is there text mode to get the sum of a calculated date difference in a Task Report? (Updated with text mode solution!)


Level 4

I currently have a calculated field on a task custom form that shows me the number of days between the handoff and the actual completion date. I'm looking to get the sum of those days to show up in a Task Report, grouped by Project.

I've put my calculated field into a column, and this is the text mode:

displayname=Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


namekey=Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion

querysort=DE:Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


valuefield=Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


Could I use some sort of aggregator text mode in this column to bring in the sum in the Project grouping? At some point, I will also want to look at the average, but for now the sum will be perfect for what I need.

Thank you!


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1 Reply


Level 4

I figured it out, so here is the text mode in case anyone would like it:



aggregator.namekey=Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion

aggregator.valuefield=Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


displayname=Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


namekey=Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion

querysort=DE:Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


valuefield=Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion


Weekday Difference between Handoff and Actual Completion = my calculated field name on my task custom form. You would replace this with your own field name if you use this! You would also change the dsiplayname to be whatever you want the column to be called.

Hope this helps!