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Is there a way to incorporate IF statement in a view with checkboxes?


I want data to display only if a checkbox field is not checked. I tried using the following formula and Workfront said it was invalid: IF(No Personal Property=‚àö,"",RE Parcel Numbers) The field No Personal Property is one checkbox option, ‚àö, custom form. The RE Parcel Number is a text custom form. Any ideas? Thank you!!
5 Replies


Level 7
Say the custom field name is "Number", and your check box choices were "1", "2", and "3". If you wanted to show only those with "2" checked, you'd create a FILTER that said, "Number" = 2


This is in a program report - I want the programs to all show up in the report but have one column of data that displays if the custom form checkbox is not checked. If you look at the attached screenshot - I want the parcel numbers to display only if there is personal property. I am trying to create a custom field with an IF statement to do this.


Level 7
So let's say the custom field for Personal Property is called PP and the choices (check boxes) are "Personal Property" and "No Personal Property". Then you have another custom field called "Parcel Number". On your report add the column for Parcel Number. Edit in text mode and replace the valuefield statement with: valueexpression=IF({DE:PP}="Personal Property",{DE:Parcel Number},"") I think that should work.


Level 7
BTW, you preceed the custom field name with "DE:" and wrap the whole thing (including the DE:) in curley brackets.