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Is there a way to change the custom field type to a different type i.e. radio buttons to checkboxes?


Level 8
Is there a way to change the custom field type to a different type i.e. radio buttons to checkboxes?
4 Replies


Level 10
I never found a way to convert it. I just had to create the other type and after I transferred the data - then I had to just delete the original one. Did you ever find a way or a workaround? Maybe this should be a feature request - Did you open one - if so, I would like to vote on it.


Level 10
I never found a way to change the type, either. I create a new attribute, repopulate, and suffer. ‚ò∫


Level 10
Did you open a feature request?


Level 8
I have not opened a feature request, but that's a great idea! I will add it shortly. Thanks!