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Is anyone successfully using Workfront proof to review video files?


Level 2

I have heard mixed reviews on the functionality. If not what solutions have you integrated to Workfront to help solve?


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9 Replies


Level 10

Yes we use it constantly and it works great with no integrations necessary. We have a 4 person video production team and this spring we were producing 3-4 1-3 minute videos per day that’s had to go through Internal and external approvals. Each one usually had 2 or 3 versions until it was approved. What’s the hesitation to try it?

The only issue we have is that sometimes the videos stop in the middle and do that spinny thing. Some days seem worse than others. We can’t figure out if it’s Workfront serving the video slowly or the local WiFi/internet is being slow (they each blame the other). It doesn’t happen all the time but enough that I get complaints. Other companies don’t seem to have this experience.


Level 8

we use it to proof video files, not sure what information that you are after specifically but the ability to comment in a timeline is very helpful.


Level 2

Thanks Richard. I was more concerned with some of the feedback I received that files would not play all the way through without buffering. Have you found that to be the case as well? Thank you. Steve


Level 6

Yes, our video team has had incredible success at this: They are a pretty self-sufficient group and are the first to really embrace the tool. Business partners have also found it much easier to review and comment on videos through the tool. Time to market has increased and the proof's ability to track changes and statuses is great.


Level 2

Thanks Ryan. Are you able to share videos to be reviewed externally? Do you also have the ability to restrict downloading options? Ideally the proof would be view and comment only, no download options available. I appreciate your insight. Thank you!


Level 6

Steve: the video team is giving us a demo of a recent success story next week, I'll fill you in on what they say! Ping me if you don't hear from me this time next week.


Level 10
We share videos externally without any problem. Also, there is a checkbox when you upload the proof that allows you to restrict downloading the original file or posting a public link. The sharing options and limitations are exactly the same as a normal document proof.


Level 2

Thanks Ryan. I would appreciate that! Thank you!


Level 2

Excellent. Thanks Jill. Great to know. Thank you for your responses!