Hi Everyone,
I have been asked about social media integrations with WF and wanted to know if anyone has successfully integrated with a tool named Sprout Social. the platform we use to schedule posts on all of IEHP’s social channels. Our Marketing director has a use case that would like to cut the copy and paste from one to another platform.
Currently, we screenshot the draft post from Sprout and upload it as a proof in WF to move it through our approvals process. Any edits suggested on WF are applied on Sprout and a new version is screenshot/uploaded onto WF until approved. If there was an integration that could help us skip those additional screenshot/upload steps, it would streamline our process tremendously.
Just wanted to ask our community if anyone has conquered this and if they have a suggestion on this type of integration. Thank you for your time and assistance.
Dawn Cejudo, IEHP System Administrator
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I'm not sure if anything has changed on this, but I was exploring the same thing around 3yrs ago - our social team wanted a WF integration with Sprout. The answer we got from WF was that there is no native integration (which we already knew) but for a cost, they could build a custom integration in our instance to basically iframe certain parts of Sprout into WF (or something like that). We ended up not doing it bc cost seemed more than what it was worth but I don't recall any more detail than this. I suggest you ask your account rep your options here/who you could speak with about this.
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Hi @dawnce1,
We briefly considered a Sprout integration while developing our Editorial Calendar solution. Although currently parked, it is something I'd be interested in discussing as a future enhancement.
Alternatively, I happen to notice a couple of Workfront solutions yesterday on Adobe Exchange that -- although perhaps not for Sprout specifically -- might be of interest.
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